Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sermon for May 25 - "A better promise"

Text: Acts 17:22-31
I had this whole section that didn't make it into the final sermon about how every cultural has certain shared assumptions. One of the shared assumptions in classical Greek cultural was that the body and "soul" were fundamentally different, that the body dies and doesn't matter much. The message of resurrection was offensive because it is based on the testimony of the Hebrew Scriptures (our "old" testament) that God created human kind as bodies and souls together. Ressuerction is a very bodliy thing. If Paul was proclaiming something like "our souls go on forever" everyone would have agreed and that would be that. 
For God, bodies matter. 




The problem with modernity

Here is the truth. I was brought up in the faith and formed as a pastor in a world that has gone away. Many of you were brought up in that world, too.
Back then normal people went to church. Everyone went to church.
When you met a new person it was a meaningful question to ask what church they attended.
Now the fastest growing religious identification is “none” which means “don’t put me on your list. None of your categories matter to me.”
Times have changed. That world has gone away or going away fast. The tasks of welcoming new members use to be helping Methodists become a Lutheran. Now it is helping a pagan become a Christian.
People INSIDE the church bubble don’t always see it because most of our world in inside that bubble.
The point - We live in an age of mission much more like that of Paul then that of 50 years ago.
Paul visits Athens, the seat of classical culture and learning. The biggest questions ever asked where being asked at the place and time. What is the nature of reality? What is the purpose of life? What are the gods?
Paul is teaching among the Jews – inside the bubble of his cultural and shared common values. But word of a new teacher gets around and Paul is asked to explain. In Agora – in the market place - Paul explained the gospel in one the most perfectly crafted classical speech in all of scripture.
Paul begins by complimenting them. “Athenians” he began, “I see how extremely religious you are in every way.” The Athenians were very religious, searching for something deeper or more meaningful then their lives. And the result of that search is the legacy of classical Greek philosophy and science.
Paul doesn’t start with the Hebrew Scripture, because his hearers don’t know them. They are Greeks, not Hebrews. Paul starts with things he has in common with them. He reminds them of the order and beauty of the universe, the round of seasons in the course of the year, telling them that nature is surely a testimony to a greater, higher power, that “in him we live and more and have our being.”
Then Paul comes to his point and his point is simple. The core message of the Gospel is very simple.
“The one whom you seek for – even grope in the dark for – has been found. The search is over. His name is Jesus. He has been raised from the dead. One day he shall one judge the world.”

Note what happens next

His cultured, sophisticated Greek audience is with Paul as he speaks of the beauty and order of nature, the turn of the seasons.

But when he speaks of Jesus, a crucified Jew, risen from the dead, who will come to judge the world, they thrown up their hands, laugh and mock, and Paul’s great speech comes an abrupt end.

But don’t be too hard on the Athenians. After all, Paul spoke of something they cannot comprehend.

They probably liked to think of themselves as intellectual, open-minded people. But they are not. Like people of all times and place, they think on the basis of previous experience, on the basis of what they already know, judging on the basis of what is known and accepted.

And that works well for most things. These Greeks know about the passage of the seasons, the beauty of a snowflake, but what do they know of resurrection? That is the sort of knowledge does not come from experience. It only comes as a gift.

In our age of mission we like to think of ourselves as completely able to think about anything, to get our heads around everything.

The truth is that we live in a world that is limited to what we know, what we have experienced.

In our world what lives dies. What can we know about the resurrection?

Christians are people who live in a wider reality beyond our senses and our thinking and our flat day-to-day, this equals that and can mean nothing else ways of thinking. What we have to say to the world goes way beyond common sense and worldly wisdom.

We proclaim Jesus, the crucified Jew, risen from the dead. Jesus, who will some day judge the world.

No wonder the world scoffs. The thought that life is stronger than death, that we shall be held accountable to a standard of judgment beyond our own standards is our message.

No wonder the world mocks, shakes its head, and walks away.

Yet some believe. Not a majority, not nine out of ten perhaps, but some. And Acts 17 says that it has always been so.

A better promise
There are times in human history when the common shared answers and assumptions that have held societies together for a very long time begin to break down. These are times of great turmoil, seeking and questioning. Jesus, Paul and the NT Church lived in such a time. We live in such a time.
In such a time multiple new questions arise and with them new answers emerges, each offering the promise to a deeper, richer, more meaningful life.
What Paul said on that day in Athens 2000 years ago is the same messages we have to say in are day.
In Jesus there is the Better Promise – the best promise of all.
Not some spiritualized life after death. Not some spiritual system or self-help manual. No.
We proclaim Jesus, the crucified Jew, risen from the dead. Jesus, who will some day judge the world.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Life is about making choices - with blog link of the day

From Seth Goodin, on of my daily reads.

Your Choice

Your choice

Habits are a choice
Giving is a choice
Reactions are a choice
Ideas are a choice
Connections are a choice
Reputation is a choice
The work is a choice
Words are a choice
Leading is a choice
No one can be responsible for where or how we each begin. No one has the freedom to do anything or everything, and all choices bring consequences. What we choose to do next, though, how to spend our resources or attention or effort, this is what defines us.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

God Spotting - Sermon for Easter 5 - May 18

I've fallen behind on posting but a few folks have asked about sermon posts so I'll try to get back in the habit.

If you are reading but not registered please let me know.

Here is the sermon for last Sunday,


God Spotting

In confirmation we’ve been talking about two key questions. “Where do you see activity of God at work in the world” and “What is God calling you to do in the world.” We’ve short-handed this as “God Spotting.”
Through the lens of the Small Catechism and scripture we’ve been sharping our God spotting skills. You’ll see some of their artistic responses to those questions in narthex and back of the sanctuary.
Lets make that our theme today. Where do you see God’s Activity in the world, and lets us the Stephen as out lens.
Stephen enters the scene as the church grows from the few who followed Jesus to the thousands being baptized after Peter’s sermon on Pentecost.  The church rapidly gets organized.
It all started with expanding ministries. This has always been how church grows - expanding the ministries.  The growing Jerusalem church has a ministry of feeding widows.  Without SSI or family for support, widows became vulnerable to starving.  The church decided to feed them.
But feeding the hungry requires organization, so the disciples call together a congregational meeting and suggest a mission division.  The Apostles will focus on preaching and teaching and a newly created body called “Deacons” will see to the feeding of the widows. 
Stephen was one of these Deacons. And this ministry was blessed.
“Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.” 
Some folks from the synagogue must have gotten jealous of such good work because the Bible says that they “stood up and argued with Stephen.” Of course, when a person is hard at working feeding the hungry in the name of Jesus Christ, you don’t want to argue with them.  They have the power of God with them.
“They could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which Stephen spoke.”
God Spot 1- Yesterday some of us from OSLC were in St Cloud. We helped food for the hungry in our community. Over 150,000 meals where packed. If people wanted to engage us in religious debate we’d probably told them, “Go away! We’re busy feeding people.”
These folks who argued with Stephen must have been poor losers, because they set him up on charges of blasphemy, which carried the death penalty. In the Sandhedrin, the religious court for a religious crime, Stephen gives his defense speech. 
This is a God Spot. Stephen pointed them, not to himself, but to Jesus. When Followers of Jesus are about his business – like feeding the hungry – some people will ask questions. When they are pointed – not toward self, but toward Jesus – you’ve spotted God at work, making the kingdom come.
On Pentecost when Peter preached his sermon, people were struck in their hearts and asked, “What can we do?”  Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized.” 
Stephen gives about the same sermon, but this time folks are not struck in their heart. They become so enraged that they grind their teeth. They cover their ears so they cannot listen to any more of Stephen’s sermon. Then, they rush and grab Stephen, dragging him out of the city.  There, they stone him to death.
This is a God Spot – Opposition. Luther said that this is a very good sign that God is at work – because this world will oppose God’s activity.


Did Stephen resist or struggle? We don’t know. All we know is this.
Stephen said in invocation, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he knelt down and said aloud, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And with these words he fell asleep.

Who also said these words just before he died? It was our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

On the cross, Jesus had the legitimate option of exacting vengeance for his wrongful crucifixion. “Vengeance is mine says the Lord God” and Jesus had the option of executing that vengeance upon those who set him up for crucifixion.  The words from the cross could easily have been, "Father, kill them." 

What Jesus said was, “Father, forgive them!  Do not hold this sin against them.  Grant them acquittal!”

Stephen heard these words well and lived by them. 

Stephen becomes the first martyr of the Christian church.  He was not the last. 

He is not called a martyr because he died confessing Jesus Christ.  He is a martyr because he died speaking Jesus' word of forgiveness.

You don't have to die to be a martyr. When you grant acquittal to those who sin against you, it feels like a part of you does die.  Yet, in that death the resurrection to life is given as a gift.  That is God's power in you, working the same work in you as in Jesus.

I chose to use the word 'acquittal' here because the word 'forgiveness' comes too easy to our lips, failing to come from deep in our spirit.  Acquittal is a grace that includes forgiveness, yet it goes far beyond it. It is the ability to nobly wipe clean any blame for an offense.  It is granting exoneration even before there is a need to forgive and forget.  Acquittal means “Case dismissed!” even before a case has been built.

Acquittal is the surest sign of God

Miracles of healing, feeding and even raising the dead can make a difference in the world. But when we are willing to lay down our right to revenge the world is made new.

We can look all over the world and see that.

·      In and around Jerusalem today the children of the two sons of Abraham are getting ready to go to war again over who owns which olive tree.

·      And in Syria, South Sudan and Little Falls retributions are being worked out.

·      In each of our schools, streets, and workplaces – every day we have people holding on to wrongs done to them.

In each of these places God can be spotted – working through the Followers of Jesus – laying down their right to revenge, acquitting the sins, trust that the God’s grace is enough to trump all violence.